

Mayo 7, 2022

Oxfam México Participates in #Epicentro As Part of Its Actions in Response to the Earthquakes

One month after the September 19th earthquake, as part of our humanitarian response strategy, in addition to the actions that Oxfam México is implementing in Oaxaca, Morelos and Puebla, we are participating in #Epicentro to promote reconstruction based on the rights of the affected people, under humanitarian standards and with a gender perspective. Continuar leyendo Oxfam México Participates in #Epicentro As Part of Its Actions in Response to the Earthquakes

Oxfam Mexico and the humanitarian response: 7.1 Earthquake in Mexico

After the earthquake of magnitude 7.1 that struck Mexico on September 19 th at 13:14 hrs. with its epicenter in Axochiapan, Morelos, the team of Oxfam Mexico has decided to deploy two humanitarian action teams in the states of Morelos and Puebla in coordination with Oxfam International Humanitarian Response team, which is already traveling to Mexico City.
Continuar leyendo Oxfam Mexico and the humanitarian response: 7.1 Earthquake in Mexico

Oxfam México y la respuesta humanitaria: Terremoto 7.1 en México

Tras el terremoto de magnitud 7.1 en la escala Richter que azotó México el 19 de septiembre a la 13:14, con epicentro en Axochiapan, Morelos el equipo de Oxfam México ha decidido desplegar a dos equipos de acción humanitaria en los estados de Morelos y Puebla en coordinación con el equipo de Respuesta Humanitaria Internacional de Oxfam quienes ya están viajando a la Ciudad de México.
Continuar leyendo Oxfam México y la respuesta humanitaria: Terremoto 7.1 en México

Armando Sobrino